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Moto Maniac 2>
Moto Maniac 2
Moto Maniac 2

Moto Maniac 2 is an exciting dirt bike game available on FreeGamesWeb. In this game, you step into the shoes of a skilled biker navigating through challenging terrains. The game features multiple maps, each with unique obstacles and landscapes that test your biking skills. From dense forests to rocky mountains, every level offers a new adventure. With realistic physics and dynamic gameplay, Moto Maniac 2 keeps you engaged for hours.

  • Up (or W)/Down (or S)
  • Drive forward/backward Left (or A)/Right (or D)
  • Tilt left/right P
  • pause

Winning Tips

Maintain your balance and control your speed. Use the brake effectively to navigate obstacles and complete each level with a high score.

obstacle-course, stunts, racing, physics, motorbike

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